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Question #1: If people are dying, then why they don’t tell the patient’s proper age?
Question #2: If anyone dies, why they don’t tell the actual reason? Are they really dying from Corona or with Corona?
Note:With coronaandFrom coronameans to check on the website.
What is a Virus? A virus is a very small germ, so small, that without a powerful microscope, you can’t see them, viruses can make us sick, but they can’t do it on their own – they need to be alive in the body of another creature ( Host) is required. They enter our cells only to find their home. What is Corona Virus? As you see nowadays, people are talking about the “coronavirus” coronavirus everywhere, new ways of survival are coming out, new symptoms are being told, It is claimed that this one is the new virus. And is spreading very fast around the world. Coronavirus, it has a corona (or crown) shape. In the Latin language, the crown is called a corona, this virus looks like it is wearing a crown. Its infection usually causes symptoms like cough, fatigue, breathing problems and fever, but most of its victims are aged people or people who are in the grip of some serious disease. The disease caused by the coronavirus is named COVID-19. What is the full form of COVID-19? Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COronaVIrusDisease-2019). Is that really a new virus as claimed? NO. This is not a new virus, but yes, a new kit has been created to detect coronaviruses. Our body is made up of 90% viruses and bacteria. It was even before we were born, it is still today, and it will be after our death. We live with these bacteria, viruses. After we die, they go to another living thing, now most of these viruses/bacteria are good, and some are bad. When the amount of bad virus/bacteria increases, then we start getting sick. We are surrounded by bacteria/viruses everywhere, whether it is at home, outside, or in any corner of the world. We cannot see them with naked eyes, to see them a strong microscope is needed. Let’s take a simple example – Like in our country good people are more and bad people are less, such as viruses/bacteria. When these bad people start growing, then the danger in our country increases. Then the number of our troops is increased, such as the immune system in our body. So that they can fight whether those enemies come from outside or inside. Where did this virus come from? The virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in December. But it is believed that this virus actually first evolved in bats. From there reached another animal, and then from it to humans, no one knows if there is an animal that gives disease to humans? But if some people believe it may be a scary pangolin eating ants. This is just the story of a Hollywood movie that China has actually created. Everything cannot be the same. This movie found a virus that had no name, and in real life, a virus detector kit was found and the virus was named Corona. Hollywood movie – Contagion released on 9 September 2011 (USA). Watch this full movie till the end you would know the conspiracy of the present corona. ` How does the virus reach human cells? The virus penetrates through a special “door” found outside human cells. The new coronavirus also needs a “key” to enter the cells. In this case, thorns that grow on the outer surface of the coronavirus help in opening the door. Once inside the cell, the virus very quickly prepares thousands of copies. These patterns break out of the cell and exit and enter other cells. On reaching a certain point, the number of viruses in the cells becomes so much that the cells are not able to do their normal work, and then we got sick. Is it true that vaccine is found to cure of COVID-19? NO. There is vaccine found yet, If you see around coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, these all are fake and rumors. Stay away from all of them. Scientists have already begun working on it, but developing a vaccine that might be safe and effective in human beings, will take many months. For Proof – visit website Note: Visit the website and read, Please download and share all evidence about exposed corona to aware the people. Rest topics are: 1.8 Can face mask protect you from COVID-19? 1.9 Why don’t you need to scare with Corona Virus? 1.10 What is the name of the test kit of the Corona Virus? 1.11 Death rate of every year 2 Why are so many people dying in Italy? 3 How do news media play with you? 3.1 What exactly are the paid news media hiding from you? 4 Free E-book Download on Corona Exposed Website visit —Click here