Submitted by: Derek
Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder which causes abnormal pauses when you breathe. It is basically obstructive breathing when you are asleep. The pauses in between each breath can range from a few seconds to minutes. The pause in between each breath is called an apnea. These apneas can occur from five to thirty times in an hour while a person is asleep. The way to diagnose apnea is by an overnight test called a polysomnogram, or sleep study.
This process can disrupt the sleep as after the long pause, the breathing can cause the person to wake up with a start. Snoring and choking sounds can be common during a sleep. Apnea is one of the main causes of day time drowsiness and fatigue. As a person does not get sufficient oxygen into their systems at night, they have to make up for it in the day time causing their body to work more than it should be when a person is awake. In this way, one is not getting the rest they require for a normal functioning body. Apnea cannot be detected during your normal visit to your doctor as it does not occur when you are awake. No blood test can show irregular breathing patterns in your sleep, nor can any test. At least while you are awake.
This may happen due to a physical distruptancy in the breathing of a person. Due to the physical distruptancy, snoring is common. As the illness can only be caught by tests done when the person is asleep, a person may live for many years or even decades before finding out they have apnea problem. This can cause a major problem in a persons lifestyle as they are not able to fully function in the daytime. Without realizing it, a person is not getting enough sleep, nor is he/ she able to complete full body restoration in the night. Fatigue for years can cause major physical illnesses if not looked into correctly. The immune system can weaken and a person could be more prone to simple illnesses such as the common cold.
Sleep apnea Encino is suffered by children as well as adults. The biggest give away and most common side effect to sleep apnea is drowsiness in the daytime and the inability to concentrate. Alertness is reduced greatly die to sleep apnea Encino. Not only is alertness effected, due to all the other parts of the brain being unable to function, a persons ability to remember things can be effected too. This can be a major factor in learning disabilities. Moodiness, belligerence and drive are common factors to those who suffer from sleep apnea Encino. Most people who suffer from sleep apnea think nothing of it. They do not go to visit a doctor as they do not feel it is a major problem. However, continuing to live with sleep apnea can cause major problems especially as a person ages.
If a person is diagnosed with apnea after a polysomnography, the severity of their sleep apnea is calculated using an Apnea Hypopnea Index or a Respiratory Disturbance Index. Apnea is caused by disturbance and so overweight people have more of a chance to suffer through this. Although apnea cannot be diagnosed by a person themselves (as they are asleep), it can be caught out be a person sharing a bedroom with them while they are asleep. Coughing, wheezing and snoring can be signs of sleep apnea. For small children, large tonsils covering part of their windpipe can lead to sleep apnea. Undiagnosed sleep apnea Encino can result in hazardous things such as a heart attack, stroke or even a cardiac arrest whilst one is asleep.
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Sleep Apnea Encino
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