- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Hungry Human
Submitted by: Oscar Platikus
Your energy levels are through the roof because you have lost weight and you have cleansed. You are now experiencing the benefits of leaving a healthy lifestyle. Sounds great so far, now is when we all tend to hit our first major road block. All of us have great difficulty eating the right foods. Everyone knows that a milkshake is not the best choice, ideally, a salad is better… well not really. An apple or a piece of pizza, once again not many things beat a good pizza. It is indeed very difficult to start on track. Everyone around you eats terrible, it’s convenient, who has time to prepare a real meal anyway? I would be hailed a hero if I could tell you that there was a magic pill that can fix all this. But I don’t have a magic pill. I will say this, by eating whole foods you can lessen your chances of acquiring chronic disease, improve your mental clearness, increment your energy, improve your skin, boost your immune system and the list goes on and on. I believe it is time to ask yourself a question now that we have heard both sides. Do we deserve the best for ourselves? We want the best property, we desire the best auto, we want the best occupation. We need to wake up people because these material objects signify nothing if you or someone you love is dying of cancer, has diabetes, heart disease, the list can go on and on. Whole foods may eliminate all of this. Whole foods are defined as foods that are unprocessed, unrefined or processed or refined little as possible before being consumed. Let us now discuss just a few of the many advantages of whole food consumption.
A lot of people are not familiar with pH (Potential Of Hydrogen) . pH is a measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is calculated on an indicator of 0-14.The lower the number the more acidic you are. The higher the number the more alkaline you are.These two states exist in the body. Disease can’t survive in an alkaline environment period. Illness exists and thrives in an acidic environment. The refined foods we all enjoy are all acidic. The whole food we should enjoy help to provide an alkaline state keeping us illness free. Next we have antioxidants vs. free radicals.
Antioxidants are substances that reduce damage due to oxygen. This damage is caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unmatched numbered atoms that are developed when combined with oxygen and other molecules. The risk with free radicals is when they combine with DNA or the cell membrane. This could cause the death of the cell which can lead to cancer. Whole food which are enriched with antioxidants. Ultimately we have enzymes. Enzymes are natural proteins produced in the body as biochemical catalysts. Fundamentally enzymes begin the breaking down process in the body. When you do not posses these enzymes the digestion procedure is compromised which can also lead to illness.
I can communicate from experience in the case of enzymes. I have a kidney illness. Doctors would place me on various medications but the swelling in my legs would never go away. I went to visit a natural wellness care practician. She told me to eat a couple apples each day. I consumed the apples and the swelling went away. Naturally I believed I was healed no swelling no illness right? Well, no but I did learn that apples are full on live enzymes which aid in digestion and also can help to lower inflammation. So to this day I eat at least one apple a day and at least one DARK green salad.
Now that you posses this info take action. That sore back you have, that lack of focus, lack of energy, even low sex drive could all be absolved up by eating right. Your body will take care of itself if you take care of it. Do yourself a favor start respecting your body like your value everything else in your life. Here are a few guidelines to get you started.
1. Consume at least one apple every day
2. Eat at least one dark green salad a day
3. Start taking digestive enzymes
4. Whatever you eat in refined foods cut your consumption in half and continue to lessen until you lose the cravings or the habit of consuming junk.
Remember this, you are what you eat. Do you want to be a pile of junk, garbage, trash? Do you wish to be a well oiled machine capable of performing whatever action at a high level at will?
About the Author: Nutritional Cleansing and detoxing your body is brought to you by
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